π‘οΈMEV Protection & MEV Protection Auto Tip
Last updated
Last updated
In the /setting section, tap on ANTI-MEV to activate or deactivate it. The system displays ANTI-MEV statuses as follows: β Activate π«Deactivate
You can customize the gas fee for Anti-MEV mode by clicking on "Manual Tip"
and filling in the amount of SOL you want to tip.
With MEV Protection Auto Tip, the system will automatically adjust the fee based on the success rate to help you increase the chance of a successful trade.
In /setting, click on MEV Protection to turn it on, then click on Auto Tip. It will display options from 50% to 99%, and next to the Auto Tip section, it will also display the SOL amount to pay for each transaction in real time.
Notice: Anti-MEV can slow down transaction execution time and failure. Please consider turning off Anti-MEV and using slippage.